Common Names:- Gypsywort.
Homotypic Synonyms:- Lycopus riparius.
Meaning:- Lycopus (Gr) Wolf's-foot
Europaeus (L) From Europe, European.
General description:- Rhizomatous perennial sometimes with stolons, whole
plant usually sparsely short-pubescent.
1) Erect, usually simple 30-80 cm, sparsely to densely hairy.
1) Cauline, 3-10(-15) x 1-5 cm, ovate-lanceolate or elliptical, pinnatifid or pinnatisect
at the base, shallowly lobed or coarsely toothed at the apex.
2) Upper, sometimes undivided but coarsely toothed.
3) Floral, like the cauline.
1) In small dense, well separated verticillasters.
2) Bracts, 3-5 mm.
3) Calyx, 3·5-4·5 mm; teeth, (1·6-)2·1(-2·5) mm, about twice as long as the tube.
4) Corolla, c. 4 mm, slightly exceeding the calyx, white with a few small purple
5) Staminodes, minute or absent.
Key features:-
1) Leaves, pinnatifid or pinnatisect at base, toothed or shallowly lobed at apex.
2) Bracts, 3-5 mm.
3) Calyx-teeth, c. 2 mm, spiny.
4) Staminodes, minute or absent.
Habitat:- Wet habitats by lakes, streams and irrigation channels, often in
semishade in scrub or gallery forest. 0-1100 m.
Distribution:- Scattered throughout Greece. A widespread variable Euro-Siberian
species. Rare on Crete, currently known from only one location.
Flowering time:- May-Oct.
Photos by:- Charalambos Chiotelis & Thomas Giannakis